Sunday 6 October 2013

DWI Penalties in Texas

Penalties for Texas DWI differ depending on how many previous offenses you have had but they are attractive stiff even if it's your first offense. For starters your driver's license can be suspended even before your final conviction under the state's Administrative License Revocation (ALR) program. First time Texas DWI offenders only get a 90 day suspension. However if you have a second offense within the next 10 years, kiss your license goodbye for the next year.

 As well the law imposes jail time for Texas DWI-even if it's just a first offense. If this is your first time getting a Texas DWI you may be placed in jail for at least 73 hours. If you get charged with Texas DWI and violating the open container law you can expect a sentence of least 6 days. If you are given probation instead of jail time, you will be required to attend a 12 hour DWI class as a condition of probation.  If you get another DWI your jail sentence can range from 30 days to a year. Get kaput again and the jail sentences jumps up 2 to 10 years. 

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