Friday 4 October 2013

DUI is a felony?

If you are caught under the law of DUI will you convicted as a "felon." Is a DUI really a felony?

A first time DUI is usually charged as a misdemeanor not a felony. But if someone was injured as a result of the drunken driving some states will raise the charge to a felony and if the victim dies a few of these states will charge the driver with reckless homicide. Also in a number of states a DUI will be raised to a felony if it is the driver's second, third or even fourth DUI offense. "Misdemeanor" and "felony" are expressively thrilling words. Misdemeanors take the leeway of incarceration in the county or local jail for one year or less; felonies usually result in a state penitentiary term of novel than a year.

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