Friday 6 September 2013

What is DWI Law?

DUI, DWI, DWAI no stuff your states intoxicated driving language driving under the influence of
alcohol and other intoxicants is both unsafe and against the law. All 50 states and the region of Columbia use a driver’s BAC (blood alcohol content or concentration) to settle on whether the driver is drunk or intoxicated.
DWI laws throughout the country set legal BAC limits at:
            0.08% for drivers of standard passenger vehicles.
            0.04% for commercial drivers.
            Zero broadmindedness for drivers younger than 21.
If a police officer pulls you over for any reason and has cause to think you are driving while intoxicated he be able to issue a test to decide your BAC. Most commonly, these are breath tests with a Breathalyzer, but some states use blood and urine tests, too. (Of course, you can refuse these tests, but that’s a whole diverse set of problems.
Get caught with a BAC ahead of the limit and you face some attractive hefty DWI penalties.

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