Ex adult star Asia Carrera was under arrest in St. George Utah for driving intoxicated with her daughter in the car media speak her blood alcohol stage was in excess of than the lawful edge.
Media so they say conventional a call proverb a woman was passed out on a couch in the Washington region School District building. Officers say they initiate Asia stinking of booze and she copped to driving earlier among her daughter.
Her real name Jessica Stein Hauser take cops to her car but allegedly attempt to leave throughout their talk so cops held the former adult actress for a field abstinence examination.
Media say the she unsuccessful to go by and yet fell throughout one on foot effort after that blew a 0.254 and 0.202 BAC on two dissimilar equipment fines over the lawful limit of .08.
She was booked for driving under the influence of alcohol with a slight and free the same day.